
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I win some at 50NL. Got a donk all-in preflop with A8o vs my 88. Scumbag loses a 70/30, amazingly enough. UTG AA: 6bb raise (NO LRR!), too many callers. Pot KTxr flop. All fold. SB AKs: I complete and hit a flush draw. Bet it, raised. Think about it for a bit. I have two overcards, a backdoor straight draw, and a flush draw. I call. Turn completed the flush and I bet half pot. Villain didn't like his hand so much after that. Maybe I should have checked.

Pick up KK in LP, I don't get fancy. There's 3 limpers in front of me so I raise to 8bb. Should only be 7bb but I couldn't be bothered with the slider. No takers. I don't know why I'm still at this table. I have good reads on most of the players. One or two are spectacularly bad and have big stacks. Oh, saying that, one bust and the worst player at the table doubled up through another live one. New table. Still haven't hit a set for awhile. Have yet to take a ~100bb stack at 50NL.

All that for a piddling ~60bb. Better than posting losses, of course, but in terms of dollars won, 25NL is still considerably more profitable for me. Would have been better, actually, had I not misplayed AKs. I checked the turn and allowed KQo to hit a straight on the end, which given the large pot and his small stack size, I had to call. Should have either C/F or put him all-in on the turn. Being OOP sucks.