
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Marginal edges

Right, I've got to start eschewing marginal edges since I don't play a high enough volume of hands to iron them out. Taking a 50.00001% edge isn't worth it.

Within 4 hands at 25NL I've doubled up after flopping trip 4's with J4o out of the BB. Christ, that was easy. EP, I bet at them, got raised all-in. Other guy pushed. It's a no brainer call. If he has a better kicker, so be it. He shows 54s and MHIG. With all that action I was thinking I was up against a flopped full house...

The thing about that hand is it could have happened at any limit but at 25NL I get paid. By idiots, of course, but paid nonetheless.

Cheques cleared. Need to pay rent & bills which eats about a third of it. Then deposit on Party.

Haven't hit a set for awhile. Whee. Had 33 and if I'd peeled off on the flop I'd have hit the turn. Results! KQo turns a straight. No one overcalls my half-pot bet. See, this is what irks me. I've been playing for over an hour and I haven't made any money.

Table dies, I join waiting list on the largest avg. pot 25NL/50NL/100NL tables. 25NL opens first. 33, I miss the flop again.

Bollocks, fold AKo gutshot on the turn, rivered it. Other guy rivered the idiot end. Meh.

I'm "due" to get some big pairs and hit some sets but I'm pretty burnt out on folding, folding, folding for now.