
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Dropped another buyin against an uberfish (guy had dropped $150+ while I was sat at the table). The best part was when the other fish were congratulating him on playing well for a change. Yes, because hitting a backdoor flush when I hit my set is great play. He should write a book.

Although, I'm not enitrely happy with how I've been playing, that hand was okayish. TT: I raise 6bb. BB calls, uberfish reraises to 13bb, I call, BB folds. His raise there means he has two broadway cards, not a pair, not even AT+. Flop is 2s5cKd. I 2/3 pot it. He calls and I'm not investing anything further unimproved. Turn 7c, he checks and I have the C/F box ticked. River Tc. Jackpot? He goes all-in, which is 1bb more than I have left. I have to call and of course he shows KcQc for the backdoor flush. Of course.

Geegee, still running great today. AJs, call off 10bb after calling raises preflop. JJ never wins either, don't know why I even bothered raising it. Cuntrag takes a nice pot that I built. Probably with AKo. Can't believe how many people called that PFR. I guess that's what I want with Jacks but if they're all holding rags it doesn't make a difference.

AQs: Fold to JJ on a KQxr flop. Damnit. I should have bet ~half and see what he did after that instead of deferring to the PFR. Really smelled AKish but I should have given it a shot.

Haven't folded a PP, haven't hit a set. Two hands I would have won at SD if I'd paid to get there were AQs (mid pair) and AKo (nut flush).

JJ loses to QQ on an undercard flop. 12% of running into QQ+. Fuck poker.