
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Idiot gets it all-in preflop with QTo. AKo follows. AA stacks them both. Easy money?

UTG KJo: Fold. Hey, look ma, I can play tight!

AQs kills a suited gapper when the flush comes on the river. Great play by AQs.

SB AJo: Folded to me and I fold preflop. BB is 24bb shortstack and unless I hit the flop for two pair, it's a waste of a call. I could probably try stealing but I don't like the reverse implied odds.

MP2 QQ: 4bb open raise, all fold. Pff.

UTG+1 AJo: Call minraise. Flop is KJx. I bet 2/3 of pot, both call. Turn is a blank. River is another King. Grr.

I don't think this was a good KK fold, personally, even without looking at the results. Folding to a 1/5 pot bet on a blank turn? No sir, I don't like it. If I get beat by Michael Jackson, so be it, I'm seeing the river with KK. I actually was going to suggest raising the turn to full pot and blocking the river. That would have been my line.

Oh, you have to be kidding me. I raise AKo 4bb UTG. One caller. Comes around to SS who pushes. I isopush. Bitch behind calls. Caller has 99, SS has Q9o. Board makes a 4 card straight Nine high.

Right, fuckem. 25bb SSS it is. Stupid cunts. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck poker.