
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Amazingly I win when I put my money in with a 57/43 edge (TT vs. AJo). Fair enough since the guy had previously won a 43/56 against someone else (AKo vs. JJ). Could this mean I'm going to be running good?

Eh, flop a well disguised OESD with 96s in my newbie blind. Gets there on the river, guy bets, I call. He also has 96s...only he limped with it.

New crush: Anna Belle. Do you see why?

Windows Vista looks cool. Just like OSX only it won't be released for years. When I say it looks cool, I mean superficially all the eyecandy is great but I can really see that destroying performance.

Nope, luck's still superb. AJs, called down by T8o on a ATx flop, and he rivers an 8. Standard. His river check when hitting his 3 outer was good. I actually flop bottom set in an unraised pot but I don't get it all in. 99 flops an overpair and a gutshot but turns a Ten which helps the straight draw but not me. 97s turns a straight on a 8685 board. I fail to extract maximum value. I guess the guy didn't have trips.

God, my head hurts something rotten.

God, OESD+FD and neither come in.

BSG is the best thing ever. Absolutely amazing episode. I thought Shannon and Six were going to go with the rebel at the end. I think the Six/Baltar projections are interesting to say the least. I think both the illusions are 'God' speaking to them rather than a form of direct communication. I think it's also pretty interesting how the real Six is nothing like the phantom that haunts the real Baltar. Of the three Sixs (phantom, Caprica, and Gina) I like Caprica the best. And, Tricia Helfer is not only unbelievable attractive, but also a pretty good actress. In fact, thinking about it, she'd probably be my ideal women...*creepy internet stalker conotations*.

Oh my god, fold AA preflop in the SB since I can't get type a raise properly. Time to go to bed.