
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



God. Playing okay until I got into two gambool situations. First one is standard. Monster LAG/Maniac throwing money around preflop and postflop. I have 88 in the BB, LAG raises. I push, he calls, I type gambool. He has 86o and I'm in great shape. Board makes a straight, Queen high and we split. So rigged. Second time I put my money in as a dog against the person that stacked LAGfish and stayed that way (AJs vs. QQ). Crappy timing, I knew she was stealing a lot but this time she had a monster. So be it. Why did I make that play? To quote Gordon's LGB p.49: "I may the worst hand, but against an all-in bet, my opponent may fold. I have 'folding equity' and equity from the chips in the pot." She had 1000bb and is generally tight but is trying to LAG it up with the deep stack. Like I said, awful timing. I'm not gambooling again.

God, I think I am on some sort of tilt. In the BB with AQs, EP 6bb raise and I decide to fold because 1) I expect EP raiser to have a good hand (yeah, right) and 2) my position sucks. Flop 2 clubs and a Queen of spades. TPTK + flush draw (which got there). Best part is goofass shows ATo. God.

Would have hit a Royal today, too.