
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Heaven sent

Watched "The Sentinel". I expected Kiefer to be the mole but he actually got to be the good guy in a movie for a change. Basinger and Longoria looked great. I think Douglas did okay and I didn't have too much trouble believing that a man his age could be a Secret Service agent. All-in, not a bad flick. I think it would have been better giving Kiefer (and Longoria's assets) more screen time but Douglas is the "big star". Meh. Story was good too.

BOOM! Playing the $3 PS million satellite. I limp snowmen (88) from MP then the blinds go crazy. SB raises, BB pushes. I think for a long time before calling. SB has AJo, BB has AJs, giving my 'men 60% equity. No Aces or Jacks spoil the board and I triple up. Risky call considering there's about a 21% that someone was dealt a bigger pair. Get AKo and a similar situation, left contemplating two all-ins. I fold. One shows AQo, the other A5s, KQx flop. DOH. Few hands later I get TT and push. Called by AQo...which makes 4 card Broadway after I flop a set. FFS. Winning that would have made me chip leader. But no, any Ace would have been the fucking nuts against me. ARGHG!

I suck at coinflips.