
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Need to upgrade my computer. Was thinking Hot Rod type specs. Don't really have the monies, though :(

Playing some more HU SNGs. First one took nearly 20 minutes! Jeebus. Better, 6 minutes on that one. After I'd taken him down to t1000 I nearly called his first all in with K5o. Called his next one with A7o, he has Q2o and my hand holds up. IDK if the time shown in the lobby includes the minute before the first hand is dealt or not.

Not sure if I should play another one. The "plan", such as it is, is to gambool by using winnings from the last match to buyin for the next level, essentially freerolling. I just need to throw together a streak and instant bankroll! Think I might try for winning two at any level then moving up so that it is a freeroll.

Also there's the Alan Shearer 200/400NL on Prima thread. 40000NL? Wowzers.

Just watched a $5000+$100 HU SNG, came down to a coinflip between 99 and AKs. AKs won.

FTV Natalie, I need to leech this gallery but my shell script-fu is weak. Have to do it manually (omgwtfnoob).

Oops, realised I watched some porn with my speakers on last night. Hope it wasn't too loud.

Won another HU SNG despite paying off quads. Came back pushing A7s (iirc), then finished it by calling his all-in with A9s.

Rebekah Teasdale is a DJ now? And her music is alright? WTF? Might have to go see her. For those outside of the UK she used to be a topless model (UMC has no nudity), and is fit as a fiddle. Who knew that she had other talents too?

Jesus can stack!

Entered a $5 satellite to the PS Million. Probably a waste of time but who knows. After that, time to try the freerolling HU SNG rollercoaster.

El Diablo owning the MsGluck thread.

Playing the satellite. Best hand I've seen so far is JTs from the BB. I checked it and got a nothing flop. Wee. Hmm, K9o. Limp it, miss flop. 24s turns trips and goes all-in, ATo calls and catches an Ace on the river. I throw away KJo from the SB, I really need to double now. Wow, same luckbox has had AA twice now. I push JTs...called by T9s and T7s. 9 and a 7 on the flop, 7 on the turn. Rebuy? Uh, no. I know, not the best hand to be pushing but considering my stack size it was worth it. Besides I did have 0.51EV there.

Caught some skin cancer sun today while reading "The Poker Face of Wall Street". Vwery intwresting. Downside is I'm in the UK so there is little to no heat even when it's not cloudy.

Lost a SNG, bringing my small streak of 3 wins to an end. Would have been all over on the first hand if he'd have paid off my first push. He slowplayed his QQ on the last hand. Lost another. Push AQ called by AK, I make two pair on the turn but he resucks out on the river. Oh well, I guess I still suck.

Won another. Hate to admit I bad beated the guy with his Jacks versus my K4o.

K-Fed playing Prahlad HU? WTF?

Lost again. Sucks running into the guys AA on the first fucking hand. Won...by sucking out (J9s vs K9s, both had a pair of Nines). Hollow victory. Think I need to quit soon.

Grr, and I get sucked out on runner runner style for a loss. 569 flop, I have 56, guy has 92o. I bet, he raises, I push, he calls. I wasn't watching but I assume turn and river brought 3 & 4. GRR. One more...

Epic match which I eventually lose. Went down to about t150 and came back!

Well, that one sucked, douche kept pushing and I finally called what ended up being a coinflip...and lost. Mercifully quick.

Ugh, guy finally calls one of my preflop pushes with AQo v. A8o. Doh. Luckily I suck out by hitting an Eight. A few hands earlier I sold him on a monster bluff by repping AQ with 42s. And quite a bit before that I'd pushed 3 times in a row preflop (KK, TT, & something else semi-decent). Villain said, "no skill". I didn't say, "no balls".

Not doing or playing well. Having to suckout to win is a sure sign that I am making awful decisions.

Things that I've found annoy me HU: Minbetting postflop (minraising preflop is great), pushing preflop a lot, showing bluffs but mucking made hands, never folding to a 3bb raise, never calling a preflop push even when my stack is freaking tiny (what, are you waiting for AA against my 84o?), running the timeclock (at these limits feh), and talking shit (I no longer have player chat enabled).

Still need to make some calculations. I've run into dominated Aces HU a few times now and better pairs more than once. I know the odds are longer but I do think they are significant.

Ugh, I suck at HU. Well, having AKo beat by T8o doesn't help.