
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Mucopurulent discharge

Still sick. Horrendous amounts of 'sleep' (mucopurulent discharge) around both eyes this morning. Yesterday it was only the left eye that was bad. Sick of being sick.

Maybe I'll blame it on the aliens. It's weird, in the light of day there is litterally nothing where that light was. Either someone was out in copse of trees with some sort of beacon, or in the field to their right. Either someone was dicking about last night with an emergency beacon on a helicopter (although I heard no noise) or it's something far more unusual.

bindkey -e for the win. I love ZLE.

Films I will watch for one reason or another:

  1. April 21, 2006 The Sentinel: Meh, Kiefer film, might be good.
  2. April 21, 2006 Silent Hill: Never played the game but I've read positive offhand comments about it. Radha Mitchell has impressed me since Pitch Black.
  3. May 26, 2006 X-Men 3.
  4. July 7, 2006 PotC 2: Highly looking forward to this as I'm sure a lot of people are.
  5. July 7, 2006 A Scanner Darkly: Could be brilliant or could be awful. Have to see. Either way, I predict a poor box office taking.

Some more things I'll probably watch (MI3, Clerks 2, DOA, F&F) but mostly because I'm a glutton for punishment.