
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Chase Chase

Uh, yeah. SB complete with AJo, JT8r flop. Lead 4way pot, minraised. Uh, huh, call. Blankish turn, check/call PSB. WTF, is he playing Q9o? I call anyway, suspecting KJ. River Ace, completing a backdoor flush but giving me top two. I block for 2/3rds ($50 into $75). Villain: "chase chase" and folds. WTF? I chase chase a BD flush? Orly? Work on your fucking reads, moran, or, preferably, don't.

Plus, the first hand I get dealt fish hooks in the CO. I call a shortstacks raise from the blinds and see a Seven high flop. Wee, weak OP for me. SS bets $12 into $20, I put him all-in. A7o no goot. Would I do that for 100BB? Hell no. 25BB, though, and it's a no brainer.

Ugh, KK on the button. I see a raise in front of me, ugh. I 3bet anyway. Folds. Result. He only had 50BB so I was happy to call anyway.

I've solved my KK preflop problem. I'll only play on DP tables, if they push I yank the cord. Suckers.

Crappy session. Lots of shortstacks pissing me off, e.g. SS raises a third of his stack on AQo, I have JJ, I want to call or isopush but there's too many bitches behind me. UTG raises him all-in. I am congratulating myself on avoiding QQ+ until he shows TT. Board is JxxxT, FU.

Lots of crappy passive play against me too. Slowplayed top two allows me to turn a set. I bet and get raised. I call for deception hoping to get more when he pots the river. He bets $10 into $30 or some crap. I value raise to $30, he calls on a very dry board. Yay for passive bastards.

I flop a set against a min/3bb raising donk. He check folds. Uh huh. I limp JJ and have a raise behind me which I intend to call, it gets 3bet to 10BB. Callable but not really.

So I didn't hit the flop hard when any of my villains hit it. E.g. Take a rag flop 3way in a raised pot with QQ. I intend to C/R villains cbet. Other guy c/r's first. Ugh, I am not ahead often here. Fold.