
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Ugh, fucking fucking. Won 3 buyins at 200NL, bleed back 1.5. One AA against 55. Action was: Fish minraises preflop, I reraise to $25, fish calls, others fold. Flop rags, no Ace, no King, no Queen, no fucking 5. I bet $50. Fish calls. Turn 5 completing the FD. Pot is $150 something and I have less than a PSB left. I move in. Fish calls. -1 buyin. Fish then runs up his stack a bit before dispersing my money to the rest of the table while I go card dead. Fish currently has about half a buyin left. I'm afraid I lost my temper and said "lol? muppet". Hardly touching the fishbowl.

Before that I B3B top set all-in on a 976r board. Of course, 58s wins. Fortunately the muppet only had 50BB. Why he only had 50BB when he was sat on 3 other tables and was up 400BB on one of them god knows.

I also sat at 400NL for a bit. Flopped one set but my lead bet won the hand. Meh. Games are much more aggressive than 200NL but some of the players are actually good enough to know when to stop applying aggression.