
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


two pair

Grr, bottom two always seem to get outdrawn on me. 400NL I hit the flop with 37o from the BB and pot it. LP calls. Turn makes the flush. Gah. He makes small valuebets and I pay off. Yay for flopping bottom two. So that makes me -5.5PTBB/100 @ 400NL (166 hands). Oh, I forgot about my misclick that cost me $9 too.

Also, I should be up a buyin. JJ, I limp because I like to play for set value. Button raises...SS blind pushes. I call. Button pushes. I think about it. I think about using DP. I fold. Button downie shows AKo, blind downie shows 22. Ducks win. Next time I should iso push or fold. Although, next time button downie gets pushed against I'm smooth calling with KK+ and then his retard ass is mine. Ooh, looked at the HH, 22 hit a set.

That table sucked for me. My blind steal with 77 went well awry. I raise from the button, BB calls. 3d8s9d flop, I pot, he calls...I give up and check it down. A9o wins.

I really need to start thinking about implied odds when playing for set value. Against tards who raise from EP with KTo, there's just no point.

Highly fustrating session when I see downies willing to stack off with TP all over the place and yet I can't win a sizable pot.