
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I took 2nd in the 16 man SSNL HU Donkament...ran into slowplayed AA. Eff the Penslyvanian Welsh! Folding preflop would have been funny and great for inducing tilt. Argh.

Oh well, good donkament. First guy...was too easy. To be fair I was getting dealt good hands and hitting flops but he folded far to much. IIRC, I fired the 3rd barrel against him on a AKJxQ, 3 flush board holding 57s of a different suit. I showed too.

By contrast, I made some excellent calls up until the final. Second match I called his flop push with A9o, Ace high...and I was right, he had K5o, no pair. First match I bad beated the guy when he was shortstacked but whatever. I raise 3BB with KTs, he pushes for ~6BB with QQ so it's not as if I can fold. Two tens come and he's out.

Last match, however, my calls were pretty bad. I called down his turned trips with TP and his TP with second pair. Meh. I made back like t7000 to even though by making the right calls and the right bets. If only I had KQs like I did one hand before his AA push would have looked fantastically stupid. Whatever, I called with a worse hand so it worked out. Typically, though, pushing an overpair on a QQ6K, 3 flush board is only getting called by Qx, KQ, 66, or the flush. Pretty dumb place to try it but, hey, I called what looked like a bluff with TP3K so it worked.