
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Back to back AA. One wins the blinds, the other loses to runner-runner flush. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Bitch of all is it wasn't that badly played since he pushed the river. Still not correct odds but GODDD. FUCKING. GOD.

Oh man, and now he's busto after slowplaying his KK until the river where the guy rivers his set.


He made some back and then aggrofish (loves to bluff big and show) joins the tables, raises his blind into calling fish. I limpcall with QJo, weak-TAGgy limpcalls behind me. Flop AJx. Checked to aggrofish who pots it. My Jack is well ahead of his range but calling fish calls so I'm done, tighty folds. Turn 8. Calling fish check/calls. Calling fish check/raises the river and aggrofish 3bets his snowmen. Calling fish doubles up aggrofish and I die a little inside.

So, lessons reiterated today: If I am prepared to back an overpair with my stack, do not offer good implied odds to outdraw me. My turn raise was retarded. It bloated the pot and left me with a difficult decision on the river getting 2:1. What should I have done? Well, his turn donk indicates a draw or a weak hand so I should call and play a small pot on the river or I should raise enough so that I have no river decision. If I had left myself $30 on the river, even if I pay him off every time he loses and I win. I should have just pushed turn since then he has a difficult decision with a bluff catching hand.

But I think my river call was...not unreasonable. What did I put him on? A FD. River completes the backdoor flush and he puts me all-in. 2:1 to call and it looks like he's bluffing. Of course he's betting for value here :(

I hate playing like shit/running like shit.