
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Meh. Not my winningest night but better than normal (i.e. running awful). The table that I thought I should be up the most at I lost $65 bucks on. Why? A 61/38/3 downie. First hand against him went down hill from the flop. After seeing some of the retarded shit he pulled later, he could be betting the river without a spade but I doubt it, really. Also there was another idiot (cba) who kept getting AK all-in preflop. He did it against JJ and lost but someone even more retarded pushed AQo and he won that. Of course, I had 99 and would have stacked both the big ace tards. Crazy.

Well, the torrent of HSP206 finally finished. Todd either played that hand masterfully or very, very badly, I can't decide which. His turn overcall represented huge strength but it looked like he really thought As/Ks would call the river, making his bluff a pretty weak play. Daniel's was much, much worse, IMO. Sure Todd can only have a bluff but to check/fold the river? Either bet $20k and fold to a raise, or check to induce a bluff and call a reasonable bet. This is poker not rocket surgery! I know, I know there's some zen 10th level shit going on at the table that we armchair players aren't ever going to wrap our heads around but meh. To me, it looked like Todd was representing either the nut flush or a boat with his 3rd/4th street play. So, since Daniel had the nut flush, Daniel assumed that Todd had to have a boat and could not merely be representing one. The fact that Todd looked completely poleaxed when Daniel tossed out the As I think shows that Todd at least thought it was a pretty poor fold. I also think Daniel was showboating, trying to make his supertough fold for the cameras. Oh, and Antonio's "all-in" joke was pretty funny :)

Anyway, the reason I'm watching HSP and not actually, you know, playing is because vmware has given me a bad beat. Beta expired and the last build I tried failed to install. Updated kernel to 2.6.17-beyond1 but updated gcc after compiling. So I now have to recompile kernel and hope the latest vmware server works with it...or that it works with my old kernel. EFF. Only have 56 hands to clear the JULYRELOAD bonus. Also will probably do the Full Tilt "bonus" even though it takes ~30k hands and is more like rakeback. IDK, $600 isn't exactly a huge amount to justify spending so much time grinding for. It might be more +EV to just keep building my roll on Party. If I'm reading the details correctly, and I like to think that I am, it can be cleared in 3300 hands if $3 rake is applied to each of those. However, it's more likely 10-20K hands playing 100NL. Playing 50NL, as I would do unless I deposited more than $600, to begin with it would take even longer. And considering I normally only 4 table 6max for 2 hours during the week, it would take 40 weekdays. Obviously very, very doable but is it really worth it? I mean I could even do 8 tables and be a total automaton but it would still take 5 weeks or so (unless I put in stupid hours on the weekend). So what I'm really trying to say is there's no point giving up the EV of playing med-stakes at party for a $600 bonus. END.