
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Of course

On some tables with the biggest downies I have ever seen. Of course I cannot get a hand. Oh, KK UTG. One downie calls. Flop AQxfd. I cbet, downie pushes. Wee. Before that I make a K-high flush...against an A-high one. Before that I flop a set on a monotone flop, turn pairs the board, I bet again, river pairs the board again. Sweet, I check call and see TP's runner-runner fullhouse. I did flop a set of Jacks, though...and got nothing. So lets see, I've lost with a flush, a set, KK, AK repeatedly, AQ repeatedly. Oh, JJ all-in preflop for 8bb. Q7o makes a 7-high straight, of course. WOW, AA hold fucking up for 40 whole BB. SWEET.

TT, raise at new table. Flop Txxr. BOOM, finally, yes! Betfoldfoldfold. Fucking super. More downies. OESD, no way I can hit an out. 77, no way I can hit a set.

Fucking lol. So, crushing the game with expert play yields -1.24BB/100. That was at +20 on Saturday. Tonight's circus as I look through the tables: King high flush -40BB, JJ v. Q7o -8BB, set of 4's v. turned trips (I really had no business calling river here) -23BB, TT v. flop checkminraise/weak turn lead -16BB (I think I was ahead here, TBH). Plus missing every flop set mining, flopping Ace-high repeatedly and getting check/raised or bet into. Or, worse still, hitting a flop hard and getting folds.

The bitch of it all is how absolutely terrible everyone plays (including me, yeah, yea). They are litterally trying to give their money away but they can't give it to me.

Fuck this shit, I think I might just put my roll on black in roulette. Of course, doing so on party the bet will not be 0.474EV. 0.047EV is much more likely.