
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Wherein I get owned

By a retarded bluff. Meh, I smooth-called the flop in order to get away if a scare card it. It did, he bets, I fold. Perhaps if I'd thought about it a little more I would ask myself why he was overbetting an obvious scare card into me. Whatever, he was a total unknown, I had no outs if behind, pot was small. Pretty retarded spew by him if I wasn't 'good' enough to fold or if I was better and didn't.

No other way to play this once I've seen a flop (maybe B3B all-in, it's still going all-in). With so much dead money it might even be EV neutral against a set. Probably not. If the other guy really did have two pair I'd wish he would have called. I really doubt he did, though. Mr. Alleged two-pair also hit a set of Queens against me when I had TPTK. Fortunately I lost about the minimum.

But then I actually won some hands. A coinflip (what a fucking lucky flop for him) and a suckout (my "pair the board" mantra worked this time. Honestly, having Q9o and flopping a fucking straight. FUCK YOU. The way he played it I thought he was on a combidraw at worst.)

So getting owned but sucking out. Sweet?