
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Ace Magnets

Meh, so I finished clearing the bonus. Early in the session I picked up KK on the button. CO raised, I reraised, CO called. JJ7fd flop. I pot, he calls. Turn Q completing the flush draw. I think for a bit and push (~pot). CO doesn't think long and calls with AA (nfd). Sweet start.

Blah, blah. I keep losing or winning little with AA/KK. Table with an 80/40 on it I make no hands. Flop no sets. Etc, etc. Finish up half a buyin by playing small ball. Wowie.

Friday night, I'm too fucked to play and I pass out at 9pm and wake up at 5am. I think "fuck it" and sleep until 11am. Today has been too beautiful to sit indoors much (and yet here I am now) so I've been doing stuff outside. Both my hands are fucked up from work which annoys me no end. I really, really hate missing Friday nights drunk donk fest but what can you do?

Ordered some cheap clothes on ebay since most of my socks/underwear have holes in. Got some shorts and t-shirts too. Just ordered some Adidas Pulsado boots since I've destroyed my trainers kicking a ball about with them. Hopefully they don't look too shit either. Bit concerned that the toe looks a bit rubbish. Meh, for the price I paid who cares.