
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Well, oops

100NL 6-max BB: AsKs, I raise to $5 against two limpers. One caller. Flop: 2d Qd Tc. Well, fuck, a gutshot. I bet ~pot ($10), he calls. Turn: Kc. Well, TP but I don't like it. I bet $25 into ~$30. Instantly minraised. Um, I think my hand might be good but I can't see how. DP :( River: 4h. Villain shows Jh 8h and MHIG. Yes, OESD on the turn on a double FD board is worth a minraise. I thought he had two pair or a combi-draw. Damn, I feel weak for using DP, and it cost me monies. Needless to say I didn't have reads.

Other than that, pretty uneventful, breakeven session. Got AA once and everyone folded. Got 77 on the button, both blinds called my raise. SB bet, BB called, I folded flop. SB had JJ, BB had 33...and BB rivered a straight (OESD, I only had a gutshot).

It is in every man's dream to have that sweet flavor of not just a new girl, but the girl next door. Whether it's the sweet girl at the cleaners that always gives you that extra smile, or the blonde bombshell you always see parking across the street, you can never resist the urge to flog her flatula. You just want to nut in her ear, shout "that's one for the gipper!," then drop to the floor and bench press her stereo.

Um, quite.

Watching Ger-Por game. Ricardo is a fucking donkey for letting that in. Lahm's volley was pretty sweet. I hope Germany win this. I also hope one of the Portugese players get a red card. rofl, own goal. Awesome finish by the defender. KAHN! is the captain? Hmm. Again, fuck Realmedia. Absolutely atrocious stream. 3-0! Why can't they use QuickTime or Theora? Even ASF might be better (although probably not for *nix users). 3-1! FUCK REAL.

I feel tuff_fish welling up inside of me. Set over set (turned second top vs. flopped top) and then the very next hand I get dealt AA in the BB and it's folded to me. Fucksake. ARGH. One table I just could not win at. -$58 with QQ v. KK against a donk who was pushing $60 preflop repeatedly and that's the only hand I made. Geebus. I actually said "i hate this fucking table". There was another godawful table. I raise AQs in the CO. 3 callers including button. AASKFJ. 5T5r flop, checkcheck $15 into $20 c-bet, button raises to $40. Not much I can do with AQ there. Obviously I doubt he has TT or 5x but I have nothing. Then before that he minraised my 33 cbet postflop. Buddylisted.

However...66 turned everything around for me. Hit two sets at the same time (as well as getting stacked with QQ v. KK). One was turned and earnt me a "fuck you". Can't really blame him. Other one was standard. I wonder what dj_ laid down. Seemed to fold pretty fast. Probably Tx. Need a break.

So I slept pretty much all day today, and most of yesterday. Taking a break from poker but I will hit it up for another few hours. Looking at Jessica Biel just makes me melt a little. It also makes me wish I could throw a perfect spiral (although I doubt very much that would impress her; she could have any NFL player she wanted, no doubt). IDK, something very attractive about her beyond the physical. Can't go wrong with a women who loves outdoor stuff and dogs. Playing the Marry/Fuck/Cliff game with the three famous Jessica's and it looks like Biel/Alba/Simpson for me. IDK, it's pretty close between Alba and Biel.