
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Sooo I managed to drop another two buyins. I forget how I lost the first one. Second one I pushed my overpair into a calling station on a 'blank' turn. He had turned two pair.

Fucking shortstack minreraises UTG raiser. I have my favourite hand (44) but have to fold because he's not deep enough. Of course 664 flop and he open pushes. Christ. Few hands later I raise QJs EP, same guy calls. QQ5fd flop. He bets into me until the river where I decide that I'm good and raise. He calls with 53s, no pair, no draw.

I've decided the best result I can get with QQ is to take down the blinds. I fucked up AQo making broadway by B3B the turn all-in (double FD board). Guy said he folded Q9 or something. Kind of a dumb move on my part but I was pretty much on monkey tilt by that point.

It would have been worse had my Aces not sucked out on KQ's turned straight. JTxA...he smoothcalls my turn bet. River A. I valuebet. SHIP IT DOWNIE. He told me I was lucky. Yeah, it is lucky for AA to win more than 20% of the time on Party. QQ wins like 5%.

Jesus christ, more runner-runner than the special olympics. I fucking hate poker. Skill hardly matters when donkeys always win with their <10% flop equity.