
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Don't blink

You missed it. I was running good. Now I'm running normal, AKA fuck Party. Reraise 99 out of the SB. 234r flop. CUNT called with A5s. AA, pot, pot, turn pairs top pair. Uh oh, I make the crying call. Down two buyins, fish left soon after. God bless America. I knew sitting back down tonight was a fucking stupid idea.

Yep, dropped three buyins. Would have been +EV to go to sleep. Flopping the wheel in a reraised pot, meh, variance. Getting rivered variance. But then I decide to bluff a calling station on three streets. Retarhed. Very similar to tuff's infamous AK v. 77 hand only I had 44 and station had K8. No way could I have had a better King, man, no way!

So disappointed in that session, and the fact that I played at all. Still, I probably play the first two hands the same (well, with perfect information I push preflop and turn, respectively).