
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


2 outers

66 gets reraised, flop Qx6. All-in on the turn, King on the river, I already know I can only beat a bluff. KK good, of course.

I get KK, 345 flop. Pot. Turn Ace, bet, push. Super, 4 card straight and an overcard.

AJo, A8x flop. Bet call, turn 8, bet call, blank river, pot...call, even though I know I'm probably beat but I'm sick of folding rivers. 89s goot.

QTs, Q45 flop. Checked through. Bet, call, blank turn. 2x pot slider bet on Jack river. Awesome. I do beat a total bluff but whatever.

It's great looking around the table and seeing cunts with 20BB+ winrates when I'm down 3 buyins with KK, sets, or TP over the last two sessions.

So, sick.