
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Nothing funner

Today was the day of the backdoor flush draws hitting against my sets. But, hey, he had a gutshot on the flop! Oh, and that converter doesn't subtract rake because I wasn't underbetting the pot that much. Second time I boated on the turn and he still chased. We both had to take the worst of it against the shortstack but whatever.

Oh, and I got AA v. KK, and won! Freaking sweet. That's twice in the past two days, although unfortunately once against a shortstack. Think I mentioned the QQ v. SS AA earlier.

Lost a bigish pot with ISFD v. TP+FD. Ironically, since he had K9s he might have folded to a river bet assuming that I must have him outkicked. Terrible line for TP+FD to take, though. Check/call, check/call, check.

Blah, blah, blah. Watched Macross Plus 1-4. Top Gun in anime form with a little bit of Gibson's Idoru thrown in (possibly it predates Idoru, though). Yes, it does. There are no new stories, I guess. I'm still not entirely sure what happened between the three of them 7 years before. Looks to me like Guld sexually assulted the girl (well, ripped her top off) after he found her with the other guy. Whatever. Didn't really like any of the characters much. Dyson should have just kept banging the blonde chick instead.

Do a fish search and find one of my new friends on a 600NL table. Hmm. This guy is special, treats it almost like a tournament. Overbets preflop and post. He'd added a new trick, LRR. He'd limp in the CO, blind would raise, he'd reraise to a stupid amount with nothing and either win with a bet on the flop or take it down pre. Of course, being such a clown meant he got mad action when he had a hand. Left the table with a stack of $2.5k...and I finally got a seat. Sweet. Followed him to a 400NL table where he bought in for $130??? Some other cunt takes the seat to his right :E I get a seat opposite, bleh. He doubles through the guy on his right going all-in preflop with 55 v. AK in a blind battle. Then he loses to a tight guys AKo when tight guy sucks out with whiffed AK by pushing on a JTx flop. I'm assuming my buddy had a jack, a ten, or a pocket pair. If he had Queens I'd almost feel sorry for him but more likely he had an underpair.

Oh wells, another shitty day done. If I got rakeback it might offset my abmismal winrate. IDK, I think I do things right mostly: Raise 99 UTG, blind calls. Flop K45fd. Cbet, call. Turn blank, check, check. River Queen of hearts, he bets half pot. I fold, blind shows A5o. Well, my plan was to call a bet on the river if a non-heart fell. Two overcards and a flush so I think calling there is a losing play. Most of the time I bet the turn.