
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



There is a Usagi Yojimbo strip where our floppy haired hero is drinking tea/eating rice and a filthy vagrant starts causing trouble. The vagrant is surrounded by a small swarm of flies. Drunk and obnoxious, the troublemaker starts to goad Usagi into a fight. Usagi does not respond for awhile but eventually draws his sword and cuts with lightning speed all around the man. The man examines himself and finds that there is not a mark on him or his clothing. He goes to mock Usagi oncemore but stops when he notices that all around him are dead flies, cut in halves or thirds.

Tonight, walking the last 5 minutes home, I felt very much like that vagrant, surrounded by my very own swarm of flies. I have not been able to have a shower since Thursday. I have been boiling a kettle to wash in the morning and evening. It dawned on me that I haven't washed my hair since Thursday, either. So I managed to do that. No two ways about it, I am deducting this shit from the rent.

Poker is a funny thing. I followed my maniac fish (83/42 as of last count) to 3/6NL. I watched him call off 200BB in a blind battle with KT on a AJ9AK board. BB had AJ. Fishes response: "Lucky". Yeah, being ahead that whole way is really lucky.

Soo. I only played two hands, pretty much. Although I did call a raise with AJs and check/folded Kh9c8s flop.

Hand 1:

Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (5 handed) internettexasholdem.com

saw flop|saw showdown

BB ($529.50)
UTG ($399.34)
MP ($687.45)
Button ($549.13)
Hero ($594)

Preflop: Hero is SB with 5h, 2h. MP posts a blind of $9. Hero posts a blind of $3.
UTG calls $6, MP (poster) checks, Button calls $6, Hero (poster) completes, BB checks.

Flop: ($33) 2s, 5s, Jd (5 players)
Hero bets $27, BB folds, UTG calls $27, MP folds, Button folds.

Turn: ($87) Ac (2 players)
Hero bets $84, UTG calls $84.

River: ($255) 2c (2 players)
Hero bets $177, UTG calls $177.

Final Pot: $609

Results in white below:
UTG has 9h Js (two pair, jacks and twos).
Hero has 5h 2h (full house, twos full of fives).
Outcome: Hero wins $609.

You want to know what the funny thing is? That wasn't even my fish. My fish is Button and folded the flop. Limping J9o UTG and playing it for top pair value could be a leak, perhaps. IDK, I only play 1/2.

Hand 2:

Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (5 handed) internettexasholdem.com

saw flop|saw showdown

Button ($577)
SB ($382.90)
BB ($746.04)
UTG (FISH!) ($671.38)
Hero ($871.50)

Preflop: Hero is MP with 6d, 6h. SB posts a blind of $3.
UTG calls $6, Hero calls $6, Button calls $6, SB (poster) completes, BB checks.

Flop: ($30) 6s, 3d, 5c (5 players)
SB checks, BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $29, Button folds, SB folds, BB calls $29, UTG calls $29.

Turn: ($117) 8s (3 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $90, BB calls $90, UTG calls $90.

River: ($387) Kc (3 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $276.34, BB folds, UTG folds.

Final Pot: $663.34

Results in white below:
Hero has 6d 6h (three of a kind, sixes).
Outcome: Hero wins $663.34.

UGH, CALL, DAMNIT, ONE TIME! Slider tell?! I HAVE A BUSTED STRAIGHT DRAW, OBV. Had this been 1/2 I would have raised preflop, since I'm rolled. Still, I couldn't spend $18 dollars to win $600!? False economy, baby.