
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



What can you do when you're playing against a loose passive fish that's running that incredibly hot (32% went to showdown, 100% won at showdown)? I raise AJ, he instacalls with A9, flop A45, bet, instacall, turn 9, check/check, river 6, valuebet/call. UGH. Did I mention that I didn't get position on him at any table? Typically there were shortstacks on my left all goddamn night too.

I made some good laydowns. Raise AK, blind calls with 45 because it's awesome. Flop A45, check/raises me all-in for 45BB. Uh, have it downie. Raise KK in the CO, button calls with 22, blind/limper calls with AQ. Flop Qx2fd. Bet, minraise from setminer, AQ comes OTT of the minraise so it's 40BB to call. Um, set and a draw? Minraising fucktrads. Had JJ on a Qxxfd flop, bet, minraised. HMMMM. Wanted to make a ninja call but I don't play to make awesome moves; I play to make money.

Got it all-in once with 44 (I flopped a set, HOLY MACKEREL) in a reraised pot. Had to call $14 more to hit it but there was a bit of dead money in there as well. Think that's the only time I went all-in and won all night.

Got huge action on my Aces in the BB. Button minraises, I make it $28, limper and button call. Checked to button who pushes his shortstack (I fucking hate shortstacks) in on Jack-high rainbow flop. I call, limper calls. Uh, ohs. I push turn. Limper finally folds whatever the fuck he had. Button has the other pair of aces. SWEET.

Other than that, all my QQ+ won preflop or on the flop. Boo.

I overslept, too. Meant to wake up at around midnight, set my alarm wrong and ended up waking at 2/3am. DOH.

And now I'm quite at a loss for things to do. Didn't play that many hands but still ended up a buyin. A little tired but not that sleepy. Finished watching Samurai Champloo, the second greatest anime I have ever seen.
