
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Eh. Anyway, I have a confession to make. I sometimes berate fish and cost myself money. Recent event: I raise AKo UTG, shortstack fish minraises from the button. We see the KTx flop, I lead, coldcaller folds, fish raises me all-in. Pff, it's another $20 for me to call, I've invested $50 already. I'll pay off AA/KK/TT. Fish had KTs. FUCK YOU. I don't think I said anything, though. Just stoicly rebought. About two hands later I pick up KK in the blinds. Fish minraises. I make it $30, fish calls. Qxx flop. I just push. Fish calls with QJ or somesuch. River Queen. I said something mild like "fucking jesus". REBUY. Eventually I pick up QQ in the blinds again. I make it $30 again. Fish obliges. J9xfd or something flop. Jack-high, flush draw, and pretty connected. I bet ~pot, fish calls. Turn is a offsuit deuce or something. I push. While fish is deliberating the call I say "call. bad beat me again. come on". He runs his timer down and folds. He said he had a OESD (needed a Queen or an Eight), so he was drawing pretty thin. But I cost myself ~$100 because I couldn't keep a lid on it. That's not to say that if I say nothing he's calling but still, it must have influenced him slightly.

But, generally, I suck it up or say something sarcastic. E.g. Someone 3bets my KK with AQ. XXX flop. Don't know how it goes but we get it all-in. Don't even know if he paired his Queen on the flop. He says something like "damn, what a setup" and I reply "yeah, sorry for sucking out on you". "Sorry you didn't suck out on me this time" would have been a better line, in retrospect. Blah.

Also, my small PPs are gay this month. Seems like everytime I raise and cbet a missed flop, I get check/minraised or minraised. Well, actually, that happens everytime I don't flop a pair or if there's an overcard too. However, when I do hit sets, everyone folds (unless they have an overset) or calls and hits on the turn. So fucking gay.

However, however..! I got fed up with this. TT, I raise, AJ calls. Flop Jxxfd. I bet, decent sized raise. OK, fuck you. I am so sick of getting raised off hands, bastard! I 3bet my underpair. He calls. Turn completes the flush. He checks, I check behind. Turn T. MUHAHAH, 2 outer! I bet, as he's contemplating the call he asks me if I have an overpair. "yes", I've played it exactly like an overpair. He calls, oh, he must be able to beat an overpair. AJ. I told you TPTK no good (through my betting, dunno, I probably wouldn't believe what I said either) and you called anyway. Thank you, come again.

That's about the only way I can seem to win big pots right now, drawing out. It's the PartyPoker way.

Which reminds me I need to get off that shithole ASAP. Seriously. I've kind of lunched out on fulltilt. I have ~$5k now on party running break-fucking-even at 200NL all month. However, even if I run/play just as bad at FTP I am 1) getting a $600 bonus & 2) getting rakeback. Which would allow my roll to grow much faster. Problem is...I don't want to withdraw $1.5K from Party and deposit on fulltilt only to find that the games are shit there and that I've triggered a "cashout curse" on Party. Kind of retarded reasoning, I know. Hmm, I think I'll take out $1k from Party after I hit $5.5k and deposit $1.6k on fulltilt. Hopefully this will not anger dikshit too much. I think I should have $600 to spare.

$1.6k working bankroll is a little thin for $200NL, though. Kind of relying on NOT running like dogshit for the first few thousand hands. Hopefully, I get some depositors luck :)

Beat: I joined a pornsite network today. That's pretty fucking low, man. I'm not going to try and salvage any balla points by saying it's a very good one. And if anyone is thinking "lol, why pay when you can download it all for free, newb?", some content is good enough to pay for (and it's not very expensive). And, yes, I have a granny-tranny scat fetish so it's hard to come by on the regular internets.