
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



AA? QQ? Nope. ONETIME, just get my fucking pot equity. Jesus christ. I swear, if it weren't for beind outdrawn continuously this month I'd be up ~5 buyins.

Aiming to become less of a nit, preflop, at least. 24/18 seems a bit far off but whatever. I often find myself saying, fuckit, I'll fold this since I've been opening too much. I had someone minraise me with KTs (diamonds) when I have had A7s (hearts) on a Ac6c9d flop. WTF. I 3bet him and he called...with his...??? Backdoor flushdraw? I, cough, timed out on the turn. (weakass pussy bitch.) Karma, however, bit me when I actually did start getting connection problems when I had AKo on the right of a 86/48/2.3 maniac. And then again when I was in the SB. And then I lost my seat because my buttons disappeared. Fucking argh. Oh, and I took another seat and turned Aces full against him and a shortstack who had reraised me preflop. Making such a great hand is fine but it killed my action from both the SS (who obviously had JJ+) and the donkey.

Talked a bit to a 2p2er. He said I was too much of a nit to be 2p2. Probably right. Then again I'm not the one discussing cbets and 2p2 at the table. My buddied fish starts asking what a cbet is, what 2+2 is, etc. "tap-a tap-a tap-a", I said to the 2p2ers. Then I told my buddy that "zomg, i'm out of pistachios!". Another good reason to get off party, half the table are normally 'pros'.

I'd go back to Ladbrokes but the software is shit. Same with Pacific. I will try FTP eventually but there's loads of 2p2ers there as well. Need to find a much quieter hangout where the software doesn't suck and there's plenty of fish and less pros. I also want a pony.