
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



BLAH. AKo, I isolate SS UTG minraise, and SS in the SB. Flop QJx monotone hearts. I have no heart. Check, cbet, push. Of course. Fucking shortstacks. I call with AQo here. Fuck, I probably call with 88-TT. Earlier hand. Raise AQo OTB. Flop KQxfd. Minbets into me. I call, ready to hammer a non-flush turn. Non-flush King turn. Minbets, I raise. Instant minraise. WTF, fine. I'll fold my second pair.

SS check/calls to the flush river and pushes for 3/4. In the chat he says "call". Whatever, DP available. He pushed with Q7o, pair of sevens. I guess he likes donating?

I missed a valuebet OOP with QQ earlier, guy had AJo, about the only hand I could beat. I checked to him so he could bluff his missed flush. But I completely misread him and he had flopped (J22) TPTK.

Still technically a winning session but, sheesh, getting pushed around by and losing to shortstacks is no fun. On another note, considering SS 10/20 or 5/10 since, well, shortstacking is easy money (in theory) and those limits fit in with the Kelly criterion of my bankroll. Perhaps I need to drink before I do this. I can only imagine my ire if/when I move in with AA, get called 3 ways, and lose to some donkey ass hand that makes two pair/trips/straight/flush by the river.