
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


2p2 QQ

Maybe I ain't so dumb.

Um, played some poker. Played disgustingly nitty and did better. 400NL KcKd in the BB, raise limpers upto $24. ATx monotone heart flop. I go into check/fold mode. Why? Betting KK on a Ace-high flop is a bluff, and I don't bluff because no one ever fucking folds. UTG raise 44, Button calls, flop 469ss, I pot, minraise to $34. OKAY BUDDY, $90 now please push your FD. He calls, turn 9d. Well, I pretty much have a lock here against your range. If you have 66 so be it. I check, he pushes, I call. AJss drawing dead. I love it when they're all-in drawing dead.

So I played some more. Not fun. Got put on tilt by minbetting/minraising fish. They minbet/minraised EVERY flop and potted every turn if I merely called. When I hit a set and raised them they invariably folded their 73o. MAKE ME ANGRY.

I did catch one hand. Raise KK OTB or so, one caller. Flop is AKx monotone spades. I bet pot, get raised, I push. AQo but he has the Queen of spades. FD does not get there. That's about the only hand I won at showdown.

Last hands, I raise 44 UTG, monkeybluffer (that's his SN but he's one of the minbetting downies) calls, regular SB pops it to $30. Frak it. Other table with another downie. AKo, downie minraises, I pop it to $15. SS behind me calls. Flop is no help but has two clubs and I have the Ace of clubs. Downie minbets, I hate my life and call, SS pushes. Downie folds and so do I.

After that I've had it with these fucktards. I'm sure the shortstack is pushing A-crap here but I think it's a much bigger mistake to call than to fold.

Watched idiots call 3bets with SCs OOP and make their hand against top set. Poker, poker, it's aaall skill.

Recall at least one hand I wish I'd played diferently. T9s UTG, raise, monkeydownie calls. Flop 765hh or something, giving me gutshot and FD. I want to get all-in so I lead. Downie calls. Frak, where's your minraise? Turn is a 4 or something, I check, contemplating a check/push, downie pots it. I hate my life and fold since I don't see that my push has any FE.
