
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


TPTK, AKA the Nuts

So a solidish TAG opens AK in EP, I call with 44. Flop is K99cc, he bets $9, I raise to $35 or something. He calls. Turn is the 2s. He check/calls $65 (Pot: $80). River is Qd, he checks, I type 'lol' and check. He wins my monies.

I mean, how could he fold the nuts?

And it's things like that that sicken me.

My mistakes: I did not size my bets to leave enough for a credible river bluff. $90 left in a $200 pot is terrible pot control. I figured I'd save that last $90 since I don't see how he can fold there. In future, I want to be giving him 2:1 on the river so that his big calls cost him. And, hell, yes, I will bluff this idiot again. Although, if I had a 9 it seems I've found a pretty profitable line against him.

His mistakes: UM? Nit cold caller putting in big bets in position and your calling off your stack with TPTK? OKAY. I think that's about all that needs to be said. You're ahead of bluffs and a flush draw, and, FYI, I don't play a FD like that in position on a paired board. What could I possibly have? A9s, 98s, & 97s are in my range. Okay, KK isn't in my range and 99 is pretty much impossible. Yes, I might play AK like that. Damnit, I really thought he would fold AK to the turn bet.

Okay, he 'induced' a bluff with his expert flop bet so he has to call. Uh, huh, and when I have a 9? Which I play exactly the same way? Oh, didn't think of that.

Still, he got me to waste $100 with a fucking underpair. Shame I had closed out so many other tables otherwise I would have never gotten involved past the flop.