
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


No muss

No fuss. 8 tabling & grinding really got that bonus under control. $88 to go, booya!

Half tomorrow, half before midnight Friday and I can hit deposit with seconds to spare. Then I can pass out.

Good things about hudbotting:

  1. I don't feel the need to make stupidly thin calls (e.g. KK on AJ3cc flop, calling a c/r all-in with middle pair when my flop bet is mostly a bluff; TT on 3 flush turn, he pushes, my gut says AA but I call).
  2. I also don't feel the need to make bluffs. Any plan that involves getting someone to fold TPTK is ill-conceived.
  3. Getting bad beat doesn't even register.

Bad things:

  1. My desk fucking sucks ergonomically, I've realised. Mouse is far too high. I've got a Razer mouse and an Icemat which are awesome for FPS but hudbotting is painful. Will switch back to my old mouse so as not to muck up the teflon feet.
  2. I run like shit. Seriously. I say again: There is no substitute for running well. The ones I remember: all-in w/ KK v. shortstacks AJ on J-high flop. I say 'Ace', pow, right on the river. Flop 9-high flush with AQ8 out, I pot, pot, board pairs river. I valuebet and get minraised. Eights full good fucker. Can't put in a raise, in position at any point, can you? Um, QQ against loose-passive, flop is 573hh. He check/calls PSB with K5cc, turn 5d. He check/calls again. Frak, I check behind on the river. Flop a small flush from BB, pot flop, pot turn, board pairs on river, VB and villain minraises. FRAK! Boat is goot, sir.

Oh, and I tell a lie. PAHUD/PT or maybe FT itself was so fucked up that I couldn't use it so no reads, no stats.

IDK how I did, I took 100BB with a set, another 100BB with AA. Won a few smaller pots too. Lost loads, however, to suckouts like I mentioned. Doing slightly better than breaking even.

Which is why it fraking sucks when I throw 200BB away with 2 very thin calls, and more with bluffs that involve getting people to fold TP.