
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


No Substitute

There is no substitute for running well. Raise A6s, flop A66. Limp/call with A3s, flop 245. I'm sure the guy put me on a set after my 3bet. T9o in the BB, fold before the flop of 897. 67s, fold before flopped flush.

Still, it matters not if you don't win bets, and none of those hands brought frak all. However, I 3bet AA against a fish. He check raises me all-in on a Kxxhh flop. Okay. I call instantly, K5s no goot buddy.

Back to it, I have a bonus to clear. One regular seems to be playing 12 tables of 100NL to get it done.