
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Deed done. Reload deposit good. Only...

AK on AQx flop, I pot & guy calls. Turn J, he checks, I check. River blank, he pots it. UGH, I can't decide if calling or folding is best. I go for call. AJ goot, sir.

I think I'm never 3betting AQ+ again. No one folds to cbets, ever it seems. Flop can be KK5r and they'll call with, whatever, 56s, when I have AQ.

Oh, and everytime I 3bet TT+ flop is Ace-high. E.g. I call a shortstack's open push with KK, other guy calls. Flop is Axxss, he bets, I fold. Coldcaller has AK, shortstack has A6. Or, how about this: Call another SS push with JJ, flop is TTK. Me and other caller check flop and turn. He bets into me on the river, obviously I think he's stupid but fold. TT & quads very good.

Flop is also Ace-high when I 3bet AA and get a caller. AND THEY NEVER HAVE AK or a lower set.

KJs combo draw no goot for 100BB. I haven't hit a combodraw that I've pushed yet this month.

And just now, I open, tardo tag 3bets with 56s. I call. Flop is A94dd giving him a flush draw. I go for c/r, he checks. Turn is a blank. I bet $38, he calls. River 4d, I check/call $90. He has fucking 56s. Unreal. I don't know, he made money there but I don't like it. Obviously I don't like it because he beat me. I guess 'isolating' with 56s is good since multiway your 6-high flush is going to be garbage. Still, generally I don't think shutting out the rest of the field with a hand that sucks HU is good. What does it do? It minimises my implied odds against his 3betting range. So I will not call with speculative hands as often.

And it's amazing how I can go from running hot to this bullshit. I am now running at 4BB for the month. Big surprise.