
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Well, I cleared another $20 of bonus by folding overpairs to monkeys all the goddamn time. Jesus. Last hand I had KK, A34r flop. I bet, he calls. Turn another 4 putting out a backdoor FD. He bets ridiculously small ($16), I call. River 6 putting four to a straight and 3 to a flush out, he bets ~half pot. OK, you either have a 5 or an Ace either way fuck you.

Fun before that, got QQ first hand in the BB. Unknown raises to $9 (I limper), I raise to $30, he calls pretty quickly. Flop is JJx (I think rainbow), I bet $56, he moves in. FUCK YOU. I'm not afraid of a Jack but I have the sick feeling he has KK+. Of course. So I fold.

I get KK sometime later, bet flop, bet turn, river puts four to a straight against unknown who pushes. Great, why don't I fold again?

I get AA a bunch of times and everyone folds preflop. No, because you can't have something in your 3betting range when I have Aces, can you? You only have those hands when I'm raising 33 UTG.

Only good hand: Get QQ in the blinds, I 3bet unknown. Flop Qxxcc. Well, that's amazing, I hit a fucking set, watch him fold. I bet, he raises, I push, he calls. AQo no good. WTF did he put me on? AKcc?

QQ again, I call a raise from the SB because I want to keep the fish in the hand (and I've been 3betting a lot). Flop is JTx. I check, PFR bets half pot (...), fish minraises, I...call. PFR pushes, fish calls, I fold. PFR has TT, fish has AJ. Fuck me to tears PFR plays like shit and still gets there.

Just to mention I did flop another set (ducks) but I fucked up the river. Board was AK2KT and there was a flush draw on the flop so of course I put his calling range on a FD. I checked the river hoping to induce a bluff. Actually, thinking about it that's not a bad play. He's obviously betting a King if I check and possibly a busted draw. Of course, he had AT and might have called a smallish valuebet. Dunno, a AxKK board is not one I want to see too much heat on my underfull.

So yeah, a really shitty fucking session. I stacked one person but I lost money with QQ+ all over the place. Probably breakeven but I try not to look at my balance anymore. It was $1.8k to start the session but it's probably less now. See, that's why I don't like looking.
