
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Haven't heard much from lazyboy after the summer. Still can't find his album on usenet. Meh.

I play pokers. I think I played well. Still have tilt blocker on Party and I force myself to not look at the cashier on FT. Still catch glimpses of my balance when sitting down, though. Mostly played on FT since PP is busto. Um, notable hands: QQ at SSNL. I 3bet a raise and a call, flop is KKTr. I bet, unknown calls, I check behind on the turn, I check/fold river. Seems kind of weak. I probably call here with AA too much but there it is. A few hands later I do get AA, and 3bet the coldcaller from the QQ hand. Flop is 9xxss. He pots it, I push, he eventually calls with T9o and does not improve. VNH. AKs at 200NL. I decide to do something off the wall and limp AKs after 3 limpers. 5 to the flop, and I flop the fraking nuts, sir. It's something like T84 monotone spades. Blind leads for pot, some folds and a caller to me, I raise (obviously), and blind calls. Turn is a 4th spade which I hate. He check/calls $65, however. Could he have a set? Don't pair the board! River Queen of hearts. He checks to me. UGH, he'll probably fold for a big bet since my hand is obviously best but whatever: $100 (all-in). He finally calls with 9x of spades. Are you frakking kidding me? Thanks for the monies but jesus you suck. And finally, A4s. Raise UTG, everyone folds to big fish. Fish is talking about bluffs in the chatbox. I was also playing with him earlier and he sucked. I left the table because he got down to $70 from $300 or something. I've rejoined the table because he's got $600. Anyway, it's HU, I'm in position and the flop is AA9r. Um, okay. He check/minraises me. Um, okay. Turn is an 8. He checks, I check. River is a 6. He bets $36. Anyone else at the table and I strongly consider folding. However, I call and he has 36o. Yes, well played.

Ooh, I missed a good hand. AKo in the BB @ SSNL. I 3bet unknown calls. Flop is QJxcc. WE HAVE A GUTSHOT. I bet, unknown calls. Turn King, no flush. Um, good but not great. River blank, he bets 90% of pot. Essentially putting me all-in but not quite. I think, well, these are the kind of spots you get into 3betting AK OOP and call. He has 64s for a busted flush draw. Jesus, people, stop calling my 3bets with junk.
