
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


60 cents

Decided to pull the last $1k out of Party. It was $1063.60 but I didn't get the change. Given that I can always go back should they stay afloat it's no big deal. Also, they may give incentives for Euro players to deposit.

It hasn't hit Neteller yet but I think I'll leave it there. Not much point in moving it to FT really.

Datamining up to 10/20 on FT now. Very few tables to watch at 11am EST. One 10/20, two 5/10's, two 3/6's, and maybe 4 2/4's. Meh. Watching 1/2 and 2/4 on Party even though I have no cash on there. Games seem to be a mixture of regs holding out and fish getting rid of the last of their bankrolls.

Also datamining Prima. God, just looking at that shitty software hurts. Still best to keep options open.

Godawful headache is finally dissipating. Really fraked up my weekend. Still managed to make more than I will working next week. However, I am under no illusions. I played well but I didn't play many hands. So what I have netted is in no way indicative of my true winrate.

Christ, it seems everyone on FT who doesn't suck that much is 2p2.

Ordered food online. Decided to start drinking more fruit juice and less pop. Also ordered some more pancakes because pancakes are yummy. It's insane how much I spend on groceries every week considering I live by myself. Sure, I'm buying ready meals and not raw ingredients but £40 a week is pretty ridiculous.

My living expenses are meager. I spend ~£600 p.m. on bills and food. I can make that playing poker, pretty easily provided the games don't bust. After this month I will strongly consider quitting my day job if online poker is not FUBARed.

Also, I may play live (£1/2PLHE) but...a) I've never played live, b) I am not a social person, and c) it costs money to get there. I would only take £500 as a bankroll + £100 spends. Assume 10PTBB/100 and I play for 4 hours, I probably make £40 on average and yet I'm spending money on drinks, taxis, and entertainment. Plus there's the obvious fact that I could bust which would put a huge damper on the evening. I imagine that I would most likely be +/-£200 from poker less the majority of the £100. So, I might make £100. Big whoop.

Still, it's an experience worth having, and who knows, if I could swing +2 buyins it would be worth doing. Stop limit would be +£1kish/-£200 plus the ~£100 costs of transport, etc.

Rewatching Galactica. Finished season one and I'm up to episode 5 of the second season (The Farm). On rewatch it's still fantastic.

Oh, you have to fraking kidding. Raise 22 OTB, 43/24/2 who only folds to cbets 56% of the time calls. I hit a set and he check/folds on a diamond draw flop. Yes, of course, RUN RUN RUN!

DamnI'm not half way through my deposit bonus. One of the disadvantages of not playing as many tables as possible. Thinking about it, I'm not doing mega on FT since I've released nearly $300 of my bonus and I'm only up about that much...Oops, sneaked a peak at balance. I'm up more twice that but it's still not mega.

Have 12 days to clear $325. Since $18/100 is maximum we'll say I manage $10/100 so I need to play 3500 hands in the next 12 days. ~200 hands a day. Possible.

Well, that was crappy. Cleared $20 of my bonus...did so cbetting 98s into a fish behind and a TAG in front on KKJr flop. Fish calls, tag calls. Tag leads 9 turn, I fold, fish folds. Whee, so glad I cleared that $20 though!

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