
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I have a longer entry but suffice to say: Boy cries wolf on Thu about being sick but is in fact not too bad. Boy goes to work Friday and feels pretty ill. Boy comes home from work Friday feeling like shit. Boy misses out on cashaments because he can't breathe.

Now I know I always have some crappy excuse for missing Friday night madness but this week I was prepared to pull an all nighter since I was well rested on Thursday.

Played some this morning. Ugh, won a single 100BB pot with a read based call on an ultra scary board (4 to a straight and I only had TT). Ran 7/4 at one table I was so card dead, now that's ridiculous. I have never seen so many disconnected, offsuit rags in all my life. Oh 74o, oh Q6o, oh 93o. I'm ALL-IN! I got 33 once, raised UTG, cuntrag BB made it $20 more. I only had 100BB and I couldn't guarentee the fish would call so I fold. Fish calls. Flop Tx3r. FUCK YOU. Raised off my only set all fucking session you piece of shit cuntrag. I watch fish go from $600 to $0, back to $600, all the time folding every fucking bit of trash I'm getting. There was another 'drunk' 'pro' doing dumb gambling things like pushing 32o UTG and winning more than losing.

At another table I get AA in the BB. Few to the flop which is 5xQss. I bet, passive guy calls. I check his stats, he seems to be a winner. Uh oh. Turn is a Jack. I check call. I was going to check/push but I was worried that he wouldn't call with anything that I beat. River is another 5. I check, he checks. DUH. Best card in the goddamn deck and I check it. KQo no goot but boy did I lose a ton of value. Frak.

Cleared $360 of $600 bonus. I want to clear at least $60 more this weekend. Boy what a grind, though. I feel awful and folding for hours on end got to me.