
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Set over set for 100BBs. Sweet, $200 @ 96% equity. Ship it holla. Also, shortly after, I limp T8s in LP after two limpers (one shortstacked). Multiway flop, 956ss. WE HAVE A GUTSHOT. Everyone checks to me, and I check behind (COME ON LUCKY 7). Turn Kc giving me a flush draw and a gutshot. Shortstack SB leads smallish, the shortstack limper calls, I don't do the math but I like my implied odds even if they are shortstacked and call. River 3c. Boom! SB checks, limper bets $10, and I value raise $35 hoping that the SB can call too. SB folds, limper calls. KQo no goot.

However, it wasn't all graceful suckouts. At the start of my short session, probably first hand, I had J7s in the BB. I check and see a flop. Oooh, flush draw. Lead, unknown on my right raises pot. I decide to call? Turn bricks, I check, considering a check/push, he hits bet pot again. Okay, unknown, you must have 2pair+. Make note that you love the bet pot button. Now, over the next half-dozen orbits he just hammers the pot button whenever he likes his hand so I regret my initial fold and think my C/R all-in would have been better. Although he likely calls with Ax. In which case, all-in on the flop would have been optimal. Buddylisted and will try to get a seat on his left in future.

Up to 212 on Galactica rewatch. 210-212 is the Peagasus storyline. Utterly brilliant.

Think I mentioned this yesterday but dabs.com can go to hell. Cancelled my order and do not intend to use them again. Ordered from ebuyer instead, slightly more expensive card but around about the same price as the cards Dabs had in stock. It will be here on Friday, and I believe they'll make that delivery. Unlike those other fraktards.

Quads are coming...
