
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Wow, looking at my stats I run 13/8 nit city and yet, in today's session I kept getting 3bet by the cocksucker on my left. Worse still he kept doing it when I had pairs...and not raising enough for it to be an automatic fold. So donkey opens for $12 UTG and I'm in the BB with 99. I call. Flop is 98J monotone spades. I bet $20, donkey folds. Yeah, that's right donkey, RUN RUN RUN.

And then I get 88 at a different table. Limper UTG. I raise to $8, limper calls. Flop is A45hh or something. Wheelish with a heart draw. I bet $18 on the flop, he check/calls. Great. Turn is a non-heart Queen, he check/calls $38. OKAY FUCKTARD. River is another Queen and he pushes. Thank god I have nothing.

Raptorjesus, fuck poker. I mean, I don't expect much but perhaps not 3betting me EVERY FUCKING TIME when I only raise the top 8% of my hands, eh? YOU FUCKING COCKS.

It's continued all day. I have TT in the BB, EP raise, shortstack pushes for $18. Uh, okay, I fold given that I'm not closing the action. Shorty has QJ, EP has AJ, ten on the flop. Not that I'd have made any money off of AJ unimproved but fuck sake. Before that, aggro prick raises OTB. I 3bet with JJ. He calls, of course. Flop is King high, of course. He calls cbet, of course. I check turn, he checks. I check/fold river. Well done you fucking prick, you probably outflopped me. I doubt you had a flushdraw but that got there too so well done with that.

I decide to get aggro on the SB, he's tried to steal a few times and raised my BB a few times. Well, fuck you child, I have QTs! So I 3bet him with that. Flop gives me a flushdraw and he folds to my cbet. GET THAT, HE FOLDS TO MY CBET. Wow, first time for everything.

Next hand at that table I pick up KK in the SB. One limper, aggro boy folds his button, and limper + BB fold to my raise. And here was I hoping to get no credit there.

Ugh, looked at my balance. Down probably $200.

UMM. Okay, raise KQo. Blind calls. A4xhh flop. Check/bet/minraise. OKAY, so I think I have implied odds and call. Turn Jack of spades. BOOM. He checks, DAMNIT, I bet an amount so that even if he has hearts I have to call on the river. He check/raises he all-in. HAHAHA. River is a heart, A4 NO GOOT.

And then, same fish a few hands later, I get 55 in the BB. Limp, fish posts OOP, 2p2er raises. Limper calls, fish calls, so I call. K95dd. SHIPITHOLLA. I lead $30, limper and 2p2er correctly fold (GRR), fish calls. Turn is a non-diamond, again I bet an amount so that river is an autocall, he pushes again. AA NO GOOT.

I sit out.

$180 bonus left to clear. Stacked the same fish twice in one orbit.

Slight turn around. 8PTBB is maintained, I need to eat.