
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



So I actually refused to fold an overpair (TT) and guess what? It was no goot. Guy had limped AA UTG and played it like a set postflop. I read him as fishy but I should have folded the flop. And certainly the turn. WTF did I put him on that I beat? Ace-high. Yeah, I beat Ace-high. The flush came on the turn so I didn't beat that. Flopped sets obviously. 78 would have made two pair. All the other overpairs beat me. But, yeah, why not burn another buyin?

Well, fish has lost 50BB off of what I gave him and is sitting out. Great. Oh, excellent, he's sitting back. Watch me get nothing on this table now. Hmm, got TT again. Folded it preflop to a raise, shortstack push and a minraise. Opener had JJ. Fuck TT!

Open AA UTG+1, everyone folds of course. Next hand I get 99 UTG and get 3bet. $13 to call...hmm, okay. Flop is a very beautiful 339. I figure that he either loves his hand on that flop or will try and bluff me off whatever I have with AK. I check/call flop. Turn is a Ten. I check, he pushes. Wouldn't it be sick if he had TT? But, fortunately, he has KK and misses the river.

Oh bollocks, 'fish' who I doubled lost with KK to a turned OESFD.

It sucks throwing away a buyin on a bad, bad call. Nothing worse then having no one but yourself to blame.

Still, I've done okay. Have ~$210 of the bonus to clear by next Friday which is going to be a bitch. I will get it down to at least $180 by the end of the weekend. Hopefully $160. Still, that leaves me 5 days to clear the remainder. Assuming I manage $20 a night Mon-Thu, that will leave me $80 to clear on Friday. Bollocks. Well, it's 5am I had better get some rest. Looks like I need to get it down to $140 by the end of the weekend to stand any chance of making the deadline. Unless I manage $30 a night Mon-Thu.

Damn, it's doable but a fucking ball ache. Still, worth doing, for the $500 reload bonus.

P.S. I feel 80% better now. Felt like shit all day though. Vapour rub FTW! Haven't even touched on BSG.303 & The Departed but I'll do that tomorrow later.
