
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



So I'm folding now. Nut peddling, almost. Overpairs I will play cautiously OOP. E.g. Raise KK UTG, flop is Q65cc. I bet, one caller with AG ~2. Turn is another 5, he leads pot into me, I fold. Oh, wait, I was in position against him, duh. Anyway, OOP I would have bet/folded the turn. Another: The mighty hammer (72o) flops bottom-two in a limped pot. I bet 72Khh flop, SS minraises me. MMM, I call. Turn is a non-heart 9, I bet/fold to another minraise. Clearly he thought he had the best hand UNFORTUNATELY his definition of the best hand include those that I beat (AA, AK, KQ) as well as those that, obviously, beat me (K7??, 77, 22). For 50BB I almost considered just getting him all-in however, I am trying to save bets. EVERY BET SAVED IS A BET WON.

My new motto right there. Had I adhered to this over the past few days instead of a) calling when I figure to be beat & b) trying to get max value, I would have saved a ton. I still contend that pushing overpairs on wet flops is +EV, and it has proven to be somewhat. Villains make such terrible calls in those circumstances. E.g. Someone called me with bottom pair earlier this month.

However, had I been paying closer attention I could have saved ~$300 against 34. Family pot, I knew that OOP I should fold to his raise. Especially to that guy. Had I been watching I would have seen him check/call to the river and fold against the overaggro guy on his left (the guy who cracked my AA with QJ).

Semi-bad hand this brief session: Raise 99 UTG, donk who got stacked calls all-in, SB 3bets. Ok, you obviously have a semi-decent hand, I call. Flop T87 monotone spades. He bets $35 and I call with OESFD, although I don't value my flush outs. Ace on the turn, he checks, I check. Well, damn, I was wrong he had me beat preflop. Ace on the river, he checks, I check. He shows JJ, I show 99, donk shows 56ss. I can't actually remember if SB had a spade. If he did then he had me crushed (20/80). If he did not, it's a coinflip. If he had QQ no spade, 60/40. QQ-spade, 35/65. KK is the same as QQ. IDK, I guess calculating the equities makes it a fold on the flop against JJ-AA. Glad I did that, won't make that mistake again.

Another hand, raise A5s in the SB. 20/16 TAG calls, of course. Flop Kxxcc, I bet, he calls, obv. Turn, Ten putting BDFD out, I have neither draw but I figure his flop call indicates either a King or club draw. Knowing that, I bet again. He calls. Okay, well, he must have a King to call, I won't bluff again. He shows ATcc. OBV. I put you on clubs but why on earth should you fold. I mean, you have a flush draw, and now 3rd pair!

Play good, play bad, whatever, I can't win.