
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



HE: All-in against shortstacks J9 on 98xx board. Survery says: "Jack on the river." Okay, fine. I knew that was coming. I literally said it aloud. I mean, why not?

Omaha: AAds, limp since I can't get anyone to fold. Idiot minraises, I consider repoping but it's not enough of my stack so I don't fucking bother. NFD + overpair. Guy bets, I call. Turn misses but he checks. River also misses and he bets less than pot. Board has 3 to a straight, 8Tx so I'm concerned about that but not overly since if he made the straight on the turn surely he would bet to protect against the FD. MM, I have top overpair. He could be bluffing a missed draw. Call, yeah, he's bluffing a missed straight draw that rivered two pair. Sweet. Before that, though, I see two people go all-in on a Queen high, FD flop with AAxx & KKxx. Neither had the FD. AA won. WTF?

It's amazing how sometimes FT lets Aces win when other people have them. I shouldn't complain too loudly, though. SS going all-in as a dog and sucking out is better than me going in as a dog for 100BB and not sucking out.

Oh, and I double barreled A8o, no pair, 'some draw' (um, not much of one), & checked the river. Mostly I just wanted to see what the fuck these guys are calling me down with. Oh, yeah, a gushot. lolz. Calling two ~PSBs with a gutshot OOP, that's got to be a winning strategy. Jesus.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, EV is a fucking fairytale. Short/Medium term results aren't affected by EV decisions at all. Hence you have good losing players and crap winning players. I can play fucking blind and run at 10BB over several thousand hands, I'm sure. Well, someone with a little luck could. I guess I couldn't.

And now, considering I lost like $1k to B3Bing combodraws and getting snapped called by a pair or better I'm loathe to do it. So I'm not going to be getting that money back.

Also lost ~3 buyins at 2/4 with overpairs. I probably won't make that back because I'll be folding the best hand when they do have a busted combodraw/TPTK. I hate life, glad it's nearly over. Variance: Costs £500 to end it. Viva capitalism.

God, I don't know where that comes from. I'm going to use that as a backup plan if I go busto but given 1) I suck at poker & 2) I'm unlucky as shit it's more than likely going to go into action.

Damn fucking DVD stuff is pissing me off. I think it's a software problem since VLC in vmware plays dvds but VLC/XINE/MPLAYER in *nix do not. WTFaments? libdvdread3 updated. It might be related to the new kernel but I can't see how.

Okay, fuck Torchwood. Seriously. The stories go nowhere, the effects are terrible, there's no large storyarc that I can see. What is the fucking point?

Oh, teaser for next week looks okay...damnit.