
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



So...been trying out my new LAGGIER style. Not going so well. QQ on TT4r flop and nit raises me after I open UTG. Am I beat, am I good? Who knows. Given my read on the nit, I think not. Play my pair+FD aggressively OOP. Limped AJo calls down perfectly (86cc on 8A5cc75 board). I guess I shouldn't have tried bluffing a calling station, I guess, but it's my first fucking hand.

Just to further express my incredulity that people win at poker. Stackadonk turn w/ overpair vs top pair, top pair trips on the river. River 3rd nuts with KK (JxJxJ), guess who flopped trips, turned boat, & rivered quads? Of course. And of course even though I represent the flush perfectly, my bluff gets called by second pair. I mean, I can take people calling my bluff with top pair but come on.

I don't actually give a shit if people call my bluffy valuebets light. And I don't give a shit about sucky hands that are 'setups' or suckouts. Actually winning ONE hand at showdown would be nice, though.