
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


4-high vs 9-high

Well, that's the first time that I can recall losing to a lower flushdraw when they hit a 2 on the river. Guess my equity? Yeah, 83.3%. Typical bet, check/raise, I think he probably has a flushdraw and can't call so...repot, he pushes and I call the remaining...2BB. Yeah, somehow I can't imagine folding much there. I donk off more chips. At another table I 3bet a minraise OOP, guy calls...I check/fold the turn. Meh. Got 3bet a ton which is fine. I can either do what I did with Mr. 42s and call with pairs, including AA, and C/R all-in. Mr, 42s did not suck out a King after he instacalled the flop push with KK. Not that I can fault him particularly for going broke AA v. KK on a 2-flush flop.

I then flopped middle-pair and a flush draw multiway 200BB deep with 73s. Not sure I played it optimally since I checked after I turned a 3 for two pair. Guy did not oblige me with a turn bet, and then folded when the Ace of spades made the flush on the river. I guess whatever he had he misplayed.

And that was it. I would have played more earlier but Sixth Sense was down.

So, instead, I've been checking out N64 emulators...and playing Zelda: Majora's Mask, gamecube version. It looks pretty sharp. I'm not far into at all since it's crashed a few times on me. I also downloaded a gamecube emulator but considering the performance of Mupen64, I don't think it will do me much good. I only really want to play Windwaker and Metroid on it. Mmm, clocktower's opened, have to go.