
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Two people disconnected today because of me. lolz. I wasn't even doing shit to the first one, he just kept whining at me so I said 'fag' after I killed him. Then he just wouldn't shut up :) Some rounds later, he hit two rails in a row to win that round for his team, said something like "were you watching?", and disconnected. Cellphoned :( The next round I hit about six rails (4 in a row).

Second one made the mistake of saying "chase more?" to me. Oops. He ended up joining our team since we were winning to unbalance the game. Some other people complained so he switched back. After getting owned for awhile he disconnected.

gg noobs.

I actually have nothing against either of them but if they're going to be idiots, fuck 'em.


armorDamage 1

#93 - ia | scale differences between Q3 and Q4 There's a post on esr by Swelt pointing out that virtually all the projectile speeds, weapon damages, and splash radii in Q4 are identical to their values in Q3. However, it's apparent through playing that Q3 and Q4 apparently have lots of differences in rl projectile speed, length of lg beam, and so on. I think the reason for this discrepencancy is that in Q3 the size of 'units' is essentially larger. In Q3 the player models are a certian number of units tall and wide, and the levels and weapon properties are disigned to reflect this. In Q4 the player models are a larger number of units tall and wide, and Q4's levels are correspondingly designed to accomidate this. However, in what was probably an effort to port Q3's gameplay to Q4, Raven kept identical numerical values for all the weapon damages, projectile speeds, splash radii, etc. The result of this is that while rail and rockets still do 100 damage, and lg does 8 damage/cell, rockets move slower relative to the size of the player, lg doesn't reach as far, and rockets and grenades have smaller effective splash radii, to name a few differences. This shouldn't be interpreted as making a judgement of or suggesting that Raven rescale Q4's weapons to make them more similar to Q3, it is just an observation I felt like pointing out. While I'm dissapointed at some of Q4's weakened weapons, I think it would be a bad idea to exactly recreate Q3.

lolz, they fucked the math. What attention to detail...No wonder q4 mp is the way it is.

I'm sick of playing CA with XS4ALL noob settings (no falling damage, no armor damage). Overpowered rockets are the yawn. Bouncing bunnies are the yawn.

Cracked 200 :o Getting consistant 50% rail now, should be 60%, though.



Wound is healing nicely, apparently. Actually, it does look a lot better than I thought it would. Still some numbness below the forefinger but the Doc. said that would pass. No cute junior doctor today, though :(

Quake4 is 'okay'. rl is weak as warm cat piss, rail is too easy to hit (provided you can a) see the freaking enemy and b) maintain a decent framerate), lg is stuck at tl=1. I haven't tried Arena CTF but it sounds like it has Team Arena type runes in it. Might be good, and guess what? No fucking proxy mines!

CTF maps are a mixed bag. I've only really played 3 of them (there are 5...but the 5th is tourney6 remake so it hardly counts).

Heartless — q4ctf1

On the whole a good map. Very open middle for campers. I get through it as quick as possible since I only have 10-20fps in that area. Flag room is a bit fucked. Egres through the tunnel/up the bounce pad is a bit quick. Having to walk up the two ramps instead of jumping up the curb is stupid (I haven't tested if it is impossible, though). I prefer to run low with the flag via rl then ng.

Death Before Dishonor — q4ctf2

Okay map, very small. Flag room has 4 exits, and almost everyone runs toward sg once they grab flag. Duh! That route is slow as hell if you go up round ya, and you double back to gl if you don't. No, the best route is: flag -> lower rl -> rj up -> home free. Thinking about it, I normally go gl -> rl -> flag once I'm back in the base but dropping down to sg would be more direct. This map probably won't be played competitively.

Speed Trap — q4ctf3

Rubbish. Very campy, raily. Middle reminds me of q3ctf2 around the rl's. Mid is better than q3ctf2, though, because there are walls between the snipers nest and the side corridors.

Relativity — q4ctf4

Haven't played it yet.


I am the Carver

No, actually I believe Quentin is. Mostly just because he's bisexual. He may also have had reason to try and frame Christian (although that could have been Kitt).

Did some carving of my own. Sliced my left arm to the bone on Thu. Hopefully nothing permanent other than a scar but I'll probably be off work for most of the coming week. Still lots of numbness, though, which is rather worrying.

The worst thing is I'm skint after having to lay out on a new bike, otherwise I'd be trying to build my bankroll.

'faKe' sucks :P Well, not at TDM but at CTF, huh, yea. Can't wait to try q4 online once I get my cdkey.



Had my bike (GT Avalanche 2.0 disc) stolen last night from outside my house. No locks or anything but it is hidden so you'd have to know it was there. Fucking gutted, to be honest. It was either people from the new mountain biking centre or, more probably, gypos doing their Christmas shopping. It's hard to say, though, since there was a hedge cutter right by it so they obviously only really wanted the bike (worth about £230 now + £70 worth of lights). If it was someone who rides the trails, they'll be found. And, if I do catch up with the cunts, I'll break fingers...but if there's not enough remorse over that, I'll take fingers...or, if I'm still not satisfied that they're well and truly sorry, I'll take a hand.

Ordered a 2004 Giant Terrago FS2 as a replacement. I would have spent more...only I don't fancy having some cunt steal it again. I could have picked up a 2005 GT Av. disc for £30 more but the frame was XL so I skipped it. The only 'bad' thing about the 2k4 Terrago compared to my old GT, as far as I can see, is it doesn't have disc brakes. Otherwise they're pretty similar. In fact, the Terrago might be better but I just hope I can live with v-brakes.

Other bikes I was looking at:

All much more expensive (and I'd have had to collect the GT full sus.). The Fisher Joshua would have been a dream (or even the GT I-Drive 3.0) but I've just been ripped off and don't feel like investing a lot of money in a bike. Besides the fact that I haven't budgeted for buying a new bike this month so I can't really afford anything pimp.



Now that I've calmed down somewhat I can see that yesterday's loss taught me a few important lessons (and cost me $20). I may make a poker log type thing in Emacs but this is easier for now. So, week of the 10th October: -$20.

  1. I am a beginner at this. The fact that I won quite a lot was lucky. For example I won $27 with A9o with a pair of Aces and a pair of Nines, but I only got an Ace on the river!
  2. Fold intelligently. Stop chasing so much even when I have good hole-cards. Stop calling when I don't have a hand.
  3. Being aggressive is good but I need to temper it with a bit more caution. Yes, I may get bluffed a few times but it's better than wiping out my bankroll.
  4. Recognise when I'm on tilt and, for now, quit. I had one or two bad beats (KK lost to AA on a weak flop, AKs lost to a flush on the turn and river) and just didn't get over it. From then on it seemed all my hands had a 2 in them, and anytime that I got a quite good hand (e.g. AJs), I'd lose to some bullshit hand like 38o catching a pair on the flop.



Played Holdem for the first time today. Interesting.

Started with $50 + 25% bonus ($63), ended the day with ~$93. I was up to $174 (only $9 short of my 'target'!) at 1500 when it all went pear shaped. Playing time was about 6 hours total. Works out to $27.5/hr on the good streak, or $5/hr for the whole day :/

So, lessons learned? Take breaks: Like any high-concentration activity. Right now I have a terrible headache. Play tighter: Fold/Bluff more intelligently, when I started losing I my game began going to shit.


Wrote this once so here's the short-hand notes: bankroll=50 per wk. if (up>100 && lost>20); cashout all but 50; elseif (lost>20); quit for day.