
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Deposited for $25nl. Haven't started playing yet. Hopefully I won't be seeing card death when I do. I've had a couple of PP so far but no sets. Haven't hit a single flop with anything. Closest I came as A7s but I didn't fancy my kicker. I'm sure vilain's river bet was a bluff, though. I did win a tiny amount with QQ on a scary flop (88x).

How long have I been playing? Hmm, an hour. So that's probably 60+ hands. Oh well, at least I know what to do with 93o. Uh oh, AQo. And the flop misses me. Winner shows J7s at SD, pair of Jacks. QTs, mmm. AQ9 flop, didn't fancy trying to suckout a straight with no flush outs. Wow, the way he just played that hand, it looked like he had a straight with flush outs. No, two freaking pair.

"I play for fun not bills fags." No wonder you lose. Gord, I am so freaking bored. And I'm still pissed off about missing out on tripling up earlier. AKs!!! Watch me miss. Woo, held up. Don't like my turn c/c. If I was ahead on the flop, I'm ahead on that blank. If he'd bet harder on the river when the flush came, I might have folded. Might. Doh, played K5o completing the SB. Not tight enough! Oh, lol, I'd have drawn two pair. KTo loses me a bit. Should have thrown it away on the turn rather than paying to draw.

30 mins to go. I'm sure my table image is rock like by now but the truth is I'm almost completely card dead, and I don't feel comfortable putting "any two" moves on these chumps since if they have even a whiff they generally call down. rofl, I was going to criticise someone for a calling down huge bets on a scary board (easy full house). The other guy shows air. Way to bluff off your stack. Button: 89s. Oh joy, raised, bah, wasted 1BB. JTo, paired my 10 but there's a King on the board. Don't feel comfy calling river bet. Probably should have. Since no one had shown any aggression at all my 2nd pair might beat a bluff.

UTG: KJo. Board: 85478. Gnarly. BB: QJo. Flop: 87A. There is so much dead money at this table it's unreal. All I have to do is make a hand...Guy three to my left keeps putting his entire stack on the line. Haha, T8o for the rivered 1 card straight. That's where JTo becomes a monster. Actually, I would have probably played JT to the river for implied odds against that guy.

KQo: Tripled up. Made my King high straight, got paid by Queen high straight. "The one time I had the nuts and all you motherfuckers had queens too. Yet another bad beat." Newcomer politely informs him that I had the nuts. Him: "That was absolutely only hand that could have beaten me." Newcomer: "Yeah, that's what they call the nuts."

KQ seems to be my most profitable hand. Since if I make my King high straight, I have the nuts and an Ace only strengthens my hand, not weakens it. However, if I had two pair I really would be worried. Shame I didn't destack the other 4 card to a straight boy as well.

Well, I made my hand and took the money. That almost makes up for the earlier 'glitch'. I feel confident taking a shot at $25nl now.