
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Jacked in quake since I'm lagged to fuck. You really notice how much some people suck when you're playing with such a handicap.

Raised TT up from EP/MP, 3 callers. Miss the flop, dickhead hits his Queen (Q8o, rofl nice hand to call a PFR with) and calls down. I guess I should have folded to his bet on the river (an Ace) but c'est la vie. He'll probably call down next time too. Had 33 twice and TT. Neither hit a set. Any time now...

Folded one hand by default when I went to the bathroom. Looks like it had paint on it :(

99, call and miss the flop. 72o, fold, would have hit two pair. Someone makes the wheel with A4o. Dealt A4o in the BB next hand. Fold to PFR. TT again, this time I limp. Miss the flop again. Board is A78KA, I folded to the turn bet. A5o wins.

AKs, raise. Flop QJT, Jack on the turn. QQ next hand. Board was something like A373A. Crappy but I still won this tiny pot. Just about covered my blinds.

JTs makes a flush on the turn. I go for overcalls and get them. When it's checked to me on the river (putting the 4th heart out there) I failed to bet, god knows why.

AA runs into 88 and someone wins a huge pot. The river completed the flush so I don't like his all-in here.

Pff, 33 just beat my AJ (TPGK) with a rivered straight. I should have bet at the scare card on the turn (Queen). I was certain I wasn't up against the backdoor flush so that bet looked like he was trying to represent the flush. Oops. This was against the person who won the huge pot.

Complete the SB with A9o, nothing on the flop for me. 'fish005' calls PFR with K7o vs. AA. Fish gets lucky and makes trips with his Seven.

77, miss the flop again. Board pairs twice giving someone an easy full house. In fact, two people as it turns out.

If I could get my reads perfect I would crush this game. That's the difference between me and an expert. An expert knows when his marginal hand is good and when it isn't. Against these fishy players he'll print money with their overcalling/overplaying. They'll take two pair or TPTK and double up.

The only real advanatge I have over these fish is: a) I don't play shit hands. Ever. I'm even 'tight' to the extent that I consider position with my hands and respect raises. I don't care if fish like to raise 69h I will still respect it. I think playing any premium hand from any position is dangerous, even under these conditions. b) I don't overplay my made hands or draws. Well, I try not to. c) If I can avoid paying off a monster, I do. If the board pairs I'll give them credit for trips or better when they raise. If the board flushes, I credit that. Case in point, playing T8o out of the BB, I flop mid-pair out of 987. I fold to a bet. Why? Because it's possible that he flopped a Jack high straight. The turn was a Ten, which would have given me two pair but made my hand even more precarious. A single Jack beats me and QJ was possibly chasing a gutshot. HU, I may be getting bluffed repeatedly but the times I've chosen to show aggression this is often not the case :)

So how do I actually make any money at all? Well, honestly this session I haven't. I think I may have lost some (confirmed, down $2). I make money simply by making a hand, and betting it hard. If I have the nuts I go all-in and people give me their stacks. Sometimes I will go all-in with the 2nd or 3rd nuts if I'm confident no one else is beating me. Why do people do this? Wouldn't the best bet be to fold whenever I come out betting? I mean, if you've seen me fold dozens of hands preflop, and then check/fold the flops when I have played a hand, shouldn't my pushing as much money into the middle as possible serve as a warning sign? I could change my name to 'IOnlyPeddleTheNuts' and people would still bet into me. At this level most players only consider they're own cards. If they have a full house/straight/flush it never crosses their mind that someone has a better full house/straight/flush.

I make money because these players overvalue their hands and their cards. Top pair or top two is not a hand to gamble your stack with at this level. The idiot end of the straight isn't either. 4 cards to a straight isn't for the same reason. 4 cards to a flush and a weak high card isn't (I saw someone all-in with a 3 high flush when the Ace was on the board). And when your cards can only beat a bluff is definitely not the time.


I have to do something about my PFR. 3xBB + 1 BB per limper (although I often forget to add in BB for limpers) isn't cutting it. Counterplay suggests one treats all hands except AA/KK as speculative. That is everything is limped in for as little as possible. I think I'm going to have to adopt this approach as the alternative is to increase my raises to an amount that actually limits the field. Raising more preflop might let me win more pots but they'll be much smaller. So I'm not sure I like that approach. Standard raising just costs me more to see a flop. It doesn't limit the field is still large and my c-bets are ignored (see TT vs. Q8o). Also, it broadcasts that I have a good hand to any decent player at the table. So I'm paying out large amounts for medium sized pots that I don't always win. Not good. Limping in allows me to make my hand cheaply and still get paid off. A bad habit to get into for higher limits, though.