
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Sat down at 25NL and won $20 really quickly. Thought I'd give 50NL a quick go. Hit two sets (TT & 44) but neither got called. TT improved to a boat but I think I could have gotten more value by smooth calling the turn. 44 I didn't want to lose to a flush so I played it hard too.

LP QQ: Miss some value on turn (King) and river (Jack) against AJo. If he'd bet hard at the King I'd have had to have folded. I was pretty much committed to calling any bet on the end except a push. Although I might have called that too. Thought it easier to check behind. Yep, I don't like money. Only raised to 6bb preflop which gave set miners odds to call.

77 back to back. Neither hit.

LP KJo: River a King, bet $1.50 at it. Called by KJo.

LP AJo: Flop is KJx. Someone bets less than pot. I raise, called. Turn and river are both 6's, we check them through. He shows AQo for air. MHIG.

1 hr +$16. Could have been more but after the last too disasters I didn't get too aggressive. I should have pushed the flop with QQ, really, and hoped he called with something I beat. On the whole, much tighter than 25NL but still just as loose in places.