
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Lost a pot with pocket snowmen, 3 overcards (QT9). Both villains had missed the flop completely. One had raised 93s or some utter junk, the other had KJo. Pair of Queens on the board and all I had to do was call $1 on the flop and check it down. Needless to say, no reads.

QTs: flops 2nd nut flush. I bet it hard because I don't want to lose to a 4 flush Ks. I bust the SS with KsXx but the initial 8 high flush bettor doesn't call. Good fold.

AJo: Flop two pair but there's a flush draw. Turn's a blank. I slightly overbet the pot to disuade a flush draw. Nope. Flush arrives and villain wakes up. Cursingly I have to call. K6s. I have his number now, though. I hit my flush on the river a few hands later with AQs. Situation is a bit differernt though, since I had overcards & a flush draw. K6s on a an AJx flop is nothing but a flush draw. Next time this happens I'm betting 2x the pot on the turn and folding a flush river.

BB KTo: AQx flop. Price my gutshot, doesn't get there by the turn. Fold.

MP QQ: Raised 8bb or so with two people in before it gets to me. I make it $5. Initial raiser takes his time before folding. Cold caller calls and it's HU. Undercards but 2 diamonds on the flop. He checks, I push. He thinks for a bit and calls. He has J2 of diamonds, flush draw and a pair of twos. Flush draw doesn't come in but it doesn't really matter since I get a full house after all the cards are out. The ultimate revenge against flush draw chasers?

LP A5s: Rainbow flop, no hearts. Checked around on the flop. Ace on the turn, checked around to me. I bet at the Ace. Villain calls, river is a blank. He bets pot or a little over. I think I'm being bluffed at but whatever. I fold.

Lots of smack talk from the deep stack at the new table. From what I gather, deep stack went all-in preflop with 44 and won by hitting his set. Hopefully I can take his stack.

UTG+2 KQo: Fold to raises from behind me. TT rivers his set. I'm guessing that reraiser had AK and lost with TPTK.

LP AA: I double up through big stack. He pushed all-in preflop when I had AA. No freakin' brainer. He had 88.

SB K9s: Flop top two. I think I get bluffed off this on the end when the board pairs but I'm not calling an all-in with two pair. I'm either WA or WB.

BR just about moves into the next hundred. Cool :)