
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Party on

Finally got my debit card today! Means now I'm able to really start bonus whoring (BW)...except now that I have the ability to commit money to BW I don't actually have the money. At least, not until the start of next month. I could commit some now but I want to maximise on any deposit bonus (obviously).

According to winehq I'll be able to abuse: Bet365, FTP, Noble, Paradise, Party, Pokerroom, Stars, Titan, Total, True, & UB. The only ones I'm interested in are FTP, Party, Stars, and UB. Possibly Pokerroom. Also, Pokertracker is listed as working but Poker Ace HUD isn't. Damn, I may have to setup vmware box afterall.

Culled from 2+2: Troll much? Black flops! Girls are LAGs.

Trying to play some poker if my connection will permit me. Doesn't look like it. Think I need a new table already, too many SS pushing preflop. I mean I love fish but only when they have full stacks.

New table one known LAG, 1 possible TAG, one rock, rest are unknowns. Think I see one doubled up fish. Table might be dying. Fish is losing his stack fast and it's not to me. Grr. Another known LAG joins. Better LAG takes a nice pot off the resident fish with TPTK. Worse LAG takes more off fish with KK. Hit top two on KQJ. 'TAG' bets, I raise. Checked turn, called small bet on river. 'TAG' shows K5, TPNK. Folded A8s in the SB to a 3bb raise. I would have flopped the flush. Grr. J9s, hit two pair, improves to boat on the turn. No one likes their hand enough to pay me off. Typical. Table breaks.

Want to try hitting 50NL tomorrow. I think I have to adapt my style to the higher limit. That is where I was betting generally accepted amounts with my big hands, I shouldn't have been. I don't do that at 25NL, I get as much in preflop as I can with QQ+. I typically open for about $5 at 25NL with those hands. At 50NL I should be opening for $10, and getting more in if I can. Set miners can call upto $5, after all.

Pocket ducks hits on a K2Q flop. I try and extract as much as I can from my villains but neither looked to have a strong hand. Villain bet $1 into a $10 pot on the river, I raised to full pot and he folded. Oh well, at least he knows nothing about my hand. His bet on the end is just ridiculous as a blocking bet, I thought he meant to 3bet or something (I'm okay with that).

Table looks to have died. One more orbit. Hmm, just filled up again.

Black KQo underfire from the blinds (SB minraised, BB made a proper raise). Probably air but just in case...

Limp black TT in EP. Call button raise, comeon top set. Overpair, I raise half pot bet to about full pot. Villain 3bets so I'm thinking he has an overpair too. I don't know why but that hand irked me. Maybe because a small percentage of the time MHIG enough here. Also because I had to leave a decent amount of money on the table.

BB AQs. TP2K. Bet pot, take it down this time.

Time passes... and I run at a grinding slight loss.